Called to Serve

"Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work ... and faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work." - D&C 4:3-5

Monday, February 24, 2014


"Far away .... in the west."   Sunset in Campeche, MX.  2/13/2014.

Campeche, MX.  2/13/2014.

"First time I have seen the ocean in my mission.  It is in Campeche.  We saw it after doing a zone conference in Zona Ticul.  Then we went to Campeche to eat and to spend the night there.  The next day we had another zone conference.  2/13/2014. 

Elder Coffman & Elder Robison.  Campeche, MX 2/13/2014.

Elder Coffman & Elder Robison.  Campeche, MX 2/13/2014.
"We got some cocktails.  The shrimp were huge!!  It was really good."   Campeche, MX 2/13/2014.

"This is the Pan De Cazon.  You can't see my plate but I got the same as my comp.  It's really good they look like pancakes, but they are handmade tortillas, beans and baby shark meat smothered in salsa."  Campeche, MX  2/13/2014.

"Eguera family.  They are way cool.  Their daughter loves the missionaries."  2/16/2014.

"Really cool family that we had to say goodbye to in Pacabtun.  They would give food to 6 missionaries every Wednesday.  They are an awesome family and I am going to miss them.  They are the family Can, Can in Maya means snake!"  2/16/2014. 

"Other cool family.  Family Pech.  Pech in Maya is flee the brother is the ward mission leader."  2/16/2014.

"Breakfast with the new people and president."  2/17/2014.

"We had to go in the back of the mini van because there wasn't space up front. jaja." 

"Drop off at the airport."  2/20/2014.

"Tour of the temple we did with the students."  2/20/2014. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Coffman <>
Date: Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:54 AM
To: Janel Coffman <>, Scott Coffman <>

Hello family.  Well this week was a little more tranquillo.  We had to end the changes on Sunday so we were up kinda late again but we got to stay in the presidents house again so it was worth it.  His house is really nice.  On Monday the new people got here and so we had to go the airport. 16 new missionaries got here.  Our mission is growing a lot. we just have to find places to put them. haha. Well after that we started working in our area we had to leave Pacabtun. Usually I feel sad when I leave a ward, but I didn't feel that weird or sad leaving it.  It was a good ward, but I never had a connection with the ward.  Well now we have a new one that we are opening.  Its called Dolores Otero.  It's a pretty good area but there haven't been missionaries there for a long time. Well they are definitely ready for missionaries.  There are 40 actives and 600 less actives there in this ward.  It is pretty crazy, we will help them out a lot.

Oh and on  Wednesday we went to the temple!!  Wow!!  It is so nice to go back to the temple.  I had a really strong experience there.  It was amazing to be there in the temple.  I guess that is one of the nice things about being assistant. btw the new movie is sooo awesome!  Wow  I really like it. I understand things a lot better.  I heard there are 2 new movies now or something like that?

I felt so peaceful there.  I felt so much love. I received answers to questions and my testimony was strengthened. you guys should go to the temple as often as possible. It will strengthen you so much spiritually.  If you ever have any free time, don't rest.  Keep working.  Go to the temple.  We have this really powerful video of President Eyring,  he is talking about how after the Savior died in the cross, he didn't rest. He kept working.  He went to the spirit world and preached to them and opened the spiritual prison. Well President Eyring invites us to not rest.  He says to keep working because it is what the Savior did.  He says even when we feel like we deserve a rest it is not so. We need to be anxiously engaged in a good cause.  Its a really inspiring video. well I guess I am just talking a lot about the temple because I haven't been for a long time but I really do miss going whenever I want to. when we left the temple, I felt like I was leaving to the lone and dreary world.

The next day we were planning things out in the offices and some college students came over and wanted to know more about the church. so we watched some movies and then went over to see the church and then we went into the waiting room in the temple and the spirit we felt was so strong. I asked them if they had felt that way before and they said they never had felt like was an amazing experience. The temple is such a beautiful powerful place and we have the great blessing of living so close.  We need to take advantage of that opportunity so we can strengthen our selves and help other people to progress in the gospel. 

We helped a lot of people to feel the Saviors love. I love it when we are the anwers to the prayers of people. Try and do that. Try and be the instrument in Gods hands. you will feel happier.

Well I guess that is all I have to say this week. 

I love you guys a lot and hope you have a great week.

love elder coffman

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Coffman <>
Date: Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 12:16 PM
To: Janel Coffman <>

I got the vday letter thanks love you lots

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Coffman <>
Date: Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: Michelle says Hi
To: Janel Coffman <>

Where are you working mc?  Well I hope you can work there.  If you do get the job, tell everyone I said hi. love you lots sis

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Elder Sparks, Elder Coffman and Elder Robison.  Merida, Mexico Mission.  2/10/2014.  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ron and Marlene sparks

Date: Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 6:37 PM
Subject: greetings from Merida Mexico Mission
To: "
janelscoffman " <scottcoffman
Good evening, I am Elder Sparks and my wife and I are Temple Missionaries in the Merida Temple, as such we don't work with the missionaries much but when we do get the opportunity to be with them it is a great joy to us.  Such was the case last Monday as my wife and I prepared lunch for about 35 to 40 hungry missionaries that come to the office to pick up various items.  We enjoy serving homemade ice cream to the missionaries whenever we have the chance and it gives them a reminder of home and it gives us an opportunity to express our love and appreciation to them for serving. We love doing it and being with them.
The purpose of this letter is to send you a picture of your son and share with you how happy he is.  I know that in his letters he tells you that he is but he is supposed to do that, I on the other hand see things as they are and can share that with the parents.  It has been a great pleasure for us to know your son, he is truly a great missionary, our fist contact with him came when he was serving in the Caucel Ward and we had a special newly baptized member that we met when they were doing baptisms in the temple, we asked him to keep an eye on them and help them along and he was glad to do it, he did not care that they were not his converts he just was glad to serve and help.  When they called him to replace Elder Martinez as the AP it came as no surprise to me, he has been a great missionary and all the elders love him.  The smile you see on his face is what I see every time I go to the office or see him on the streets, he is always positive and happy, truly a joy to be around.  We have learned to love your son and appreciate his many talents, leadership ability and happy disposition.  He is a great missionary, healthy, happy and loving his mission.  Thanks for sending your son to serve in Merida to serve.  I know that no love can replace a parents love for their son but every time we see him we will give him some of our love to tide him over until he returns and you can give him yours once more.
Elder Sparks


"The hermana made us cochinita.  Really tasty." 2/10/2014.

"Cool Graffiti."  Mexico.  1/20/2014.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Coffman <>
Date: Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 3:02 PM
To: Janel Coffman <>, Scott Coffman <>

Hey family, well things are going good.  I don’t have a whole lot of time to write because we have been busy with changes and we have to get all that done but I just want to tell you that I had a good week. Really busy but really good.  Yesterday I bought a hammock and if one of you want one I can get one for you.   Just tell me the color.   Well we had to sleep in the missiona presidents house last night and it was really nice.  It makes me miss the houses in the us.   I really love Mexico but it will be nice to be back in good houses again.  Well what else can I say I have been really busy but really happy.  The zone conferences went great and I really like training people. What else. Oh yeah I think my mission pesidents wife added mother on facebook.  So good job.  Have you been able to update my facebook yet?  What else.  I don’t have too much more to say but have a great week. Adios

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Coffman <>
Date: Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: Hobbies Email
To: Janel Coffman <>

This is for Michelle to read.  Well hobe I am excited to see you when I get home jeje it will be good to see you guys but I still have a lot of time so don’t worry about having to see the old munk again too soon.  But I am kinda scared actually for when I get home.  Let me tell you why.  Keeping the commandments is hard.  People think that missionaries are perfect and are always keeping the commandments but from what I have seen, we are just normal people.  We try our hardest to keep the commandments but we are subject to the same temptations that you are, the difference is where we put ourselves and what we do with our time.  I think that this is an important part.  So listen very closely because you are in a very dangerous world and you need to be really careful.  Trust me I know. idk why i am telling you this but I feel like I should so listen up hobe haha  always put yourself in good places around good people.  I think the mutual theme for last year was stand ye in holy places.  It is so true.  You need to surround yourself with goodness.  You are very strong but peer pressure can get anyone.  You need to remember that there is great strength that we receive from reading the gospel.  Always remember that.  I am scared for when I get home because when I get home, I won’t have the force field of being a missionary.  Right now temptations come and it is easy to resist them because I am always with my comp, I am always in good places, and I am reading the scriptures. But when I get home, I can go where I want with who I want.  It’ll be a lot harder to keep the commandments when I get home but I know that with God’s help.  I can do it.  So yeah watch out hobe.  I love you lots and I know that the devil hates you and wants you to be sad so never give in to his temptations. This is what you need to hear right now.  Be careful with everything you do and make sure to always listen to the spirit. An apostle said that we never make a big mistake in our lives without being warned by the Spirit first.  Be clean so you can hear and feel what the Spirit says to you.  I love you mc crocker

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Coffman <>
Date: Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: Hola' Greetings from Your Family - We Love You
To: Janel Coffman <>

How that is amazing that Richard got home. It sounds like a really good talk he gave. He looks a lot different. haha well I am really glad he got home.  You should send me his email and jps as well so I can write them.  I´ll send a longer later in another email.  I was just really excited to hear about Richard.  I am glad you could go see him talk.